Thursday, April 26, 2007

Who Knew That Alternative Renewable Energy is Cheap

So I always get these flyers in my electric bill telling me about the NJ Clean Power Choice Program (other states have similar programs) and I usually just toss them thinking that it would be very expensive to get all our electricity from renewable sources. Today I actually figured it out, and then signed up. I looked at the past years electricity usage and guess what, getting all of our electric from a mixture 50% wind, 1% solar and 49% low impact hydro would cost an additional $3.90 a month, 8 months out of the year. It will however shoot up to a whopping $5.53 for the summer months, and this is with central a/c usage. Not only will it cost you less then the price of a lunch each month but each household that enrolls will reduce CO2 emissions by over 10,000 lbs a year, the equivalent of planting 1.35 acres of trees. Not a bad deal.

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